It may occur to everybody whilst reading SEO offers, that the different SEO services London or professionals are becoming somewhat blurry. SEO consultants are claiming to be able to offer services more in line with that of a search engine marketer or an Internet marketer. What is the truth about SEO?
Search engine optimisation (SEO) is traditionally linked with on page factors. The off-page activity is mainly focused in the creation of backlinks.A search engine optimiser is concerned with making your web pages as search friendly as possible. This will include fixing broken links and amending orphan pages or faulty redirects. The SEO expert should also look at your pages content and ensure the correct tags are been used ie. meta, css, <h> tags and alt for images. He may even venture into keyword research and ensure the keyword weight of your pages is the most effective. Backlinks are of great importance too. He should create as many as you need to increase visibility in Internet. In addition, he should take care of a great number of technical issues which are also important to build your ranking on search engines.

A search engine marketer (SEM) is slightly different and the primary concern should be with, how your site links to the rest of the Internet world. They should focus on social bookmarking, article marketing, search engine and directly submissions. All this in attempt to attract more links and therefore increases your page rank and index ranks. An Internet marketer is more business focused and will explore advertising options, press releases, PPC systems and paid exposure. They will attempt to build up your business as a brand as well as bumping you up the listings. They should be able to advise you on affiliate programs and email marketing as well as highlighting any other elements of online revenue you could take advantage of.


It is important to understand that both are optimising SEO with  different perspectives and to different platforms. The starting and returning point should be the webpage. ” The webpage should be their harbour” as SEO consultants usually say. Both are performing the SEO strategy , but every case is different and  should be customised. Increasing online visibility and driving targeted traffic are the first steps to success with SEO. The next step is measuring the performance of that traffic to determine whether the overall website and business objectives are being achieved. This is an ongoing, iterative process that will always accompany all marketing efforts, and SEO is no exception. For most organisations, goals are defined as generating sales, leads, or advertising revenue. For others, it may mean the promotion of a particular message. It may also means the consumption, sharing, or perhaps the creation of specific types of content, or the simple signup for a newsletter. An important component of SEO is to deliver not just traffic, but targeted  traffic that has the possibility of converting into these actions.


Whether you are selling products and services, advertising for branding value, or trying to promote specific content to the world, a well-designed SEO strategy can result in a very high return on investment when contrasted with other methods of marketing. As you see on top image, SEO generally brings a higher ROI when compared to TV, print, and radio advertising campaigns. On the other hand SEO is not going to replace traditional media. Organic search can provide some high margin returns that complement and enhance the use of offline media. Especially when done properly over the long haul.

Whitewash SEO services London based, include all the above consultants. All SEO services will be a great investment and it will be up to you to decide what your business needs the most. ” SEO is a Win to Win Game” Let’s do it. – Written by George Nikolakos


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