Mobile Applications.
The mobile phone has penetrated into different spheres of life. Nowadays, the mobile app provides very useful and advantageous function spectrum, which can satisfy your customers and make a profit for your business.
Our mobile app development London agency remains an excellent solution for you business marketing. WhiteDash introduces you to the mobile app era, developing applications either as a stand-alone project or as an extension of your existing website.
Our developers commit to provide you with bespoke features of a marketing tool with financial advantage and effective interaction capability. We enhance mobile apps with any feature your project might require such as GPS functionality, with map geotagging and navigation capabilities, weather prediction and push notifications.
In WhiteDash, we implement an award-winning technology. The Pocketwarp. This cutting-edge tool enables you to connect your back-end system with a native mobile app in terms of content and features, without the need of a separate administration panel. The Pocketwarp allows you to fully manage the dynamic content of your application, supports a multilingual function and provides compatibility to both iOS & Android software.
Related Services
We create an “imaginative content, with premium UX and engaging target audience capability.” We also include Local SEO consulting service for your website.
Premium Support
S.M.O. and S.M.M. are two different steps on your digital path. S.M.O. is the design of a website in a way to achieve the biggest exposure on social media.
Let’s Work Together
The digital struggle is not one of those you have to fight alone. Get in contact with our marketing experts and get start building your application today.
Contact Details:
10 Chester Drive, HA2 7PU, Harrow, Middlesex, United Kingdom
Phone: +44 (0) 208 402 7794, email: info[at]whitedash[dot]com
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